The question inevitably arises: why hire a coach? The answer is simple: even if our kids are terrific writers who have grown adept at literary analysis and well-structured research papers, the unfamiliar and open-ended nature of the personal essay can stump even the very best of students.
So where can they turn for help? Dozens of books have been written on the subject, and many are quite good. But how many teens will take the time to read a 650-page book to write a 650-word essay?
Will they turn to their parents, the very people who know them best and love them most? Ironically, no, because just as they find themselves on the brink of independence, their parents are often the last people in the world from whom they are willing to accept help.
But they can turn to us. We at Adventure Essays have many years of experience working with and educating kids, as well as decades of professional experience writing creative narratives. We know what makes a story work. We know how to think about character, structure, theme, and message. We know how to plant ideas and pay them off. We know how to build suspense, infuse humor, and reveal change. We know how to take a reader’s breath away with the sheer force of one’s revealed humanity. And we love inspiring students to knock the ball out of the park in unique and meaningful ways.
Applying to college is a hugely stressful experience for students and their parents. By hiring us to challenge and cajole and inspire your children to essay writing success, you are removing yourself from a potentially fraught minefield. Let us go into battle for you. We promise the work will not only get done, but it will get done well. And we promise you won’t miss the eye rolling one bit.