If the junior year of high school is a stressful time—filled with rigorous class loads, standardized testing, and the beginning of the college search—the senior year is even more so, marked by increasingly difficult classes, the pressure to keep up one’s grades, more testing, and the added nearly full-time job of researching, visiting, interviewing at, and applying to colleges. Everyone knows this, and yet too few students act on this knowledge. Well, we at Adventure Essays have a crazy idea.

What if a student were to use the least stressful time of the year (summer break) to accomplish what is arguably the most important and most stressful task of high school: not only starting but actually completing the college applications? Yes, you read that right. Your college applications could be done between the time you finish your junior year and begin your senior year. Or, at the very least, your Common App could be done, leaving you only the shorter supplemental essays to complete in the fall.

With most students applying to a dozen colleges today, and with each college requiring a few supplemental essays in addition to the big personal statement, you might be writing anywhere from 20-30 essays in total. How extraordinarily liberating would it be to know that by the time school begins again in the fall, you will have diligently conquered the mountain that is the college application process? While other seniors are freaking out and cracking from the pressure, you could spend the first half of your senior year of high school as it is meant to be spent: learning passionately, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, getting enough sleep at night, and having nothing left to fight about with your parents.

This dream could be your reality. You could actually write all of your essays in a focused yet relaxed way. Even if you have a summer job or are taking a summer trip, you still have time to dedicate to getting your applications done. Either by working a couple diligent hours each day, or by completely dedicating yourself to the task over a few intense weeks, you could do your best work both on your applications and in school. Can you imagine a better recipe for balance, success, and peace? It kind of makes you wonder why everyone isn’t doing it.

So think about how and when you will get your best work done. And consider dedicating yourself to being a Summer Warrior.